Blue Swimming

It is said that in modernity everything is liquidity and dissolves. Swimmers traverse the Straits of Dardanelles, face the murders of environmentalists, and explore works of fiction. What would it be like to cross the blue? In the solitude and senselessness of cities, two bodies bathe in murmurs, words, and sweets. The act of swimming transforms into freedom and collaboration, of bodies, techniques, and affections. Swimming is making crossings…

By: Ysmaille Ferreira


Direção Coreografia e Roteiro: Danilo Bracchi

Elenco: Danilo Bracchi e Claudia Messeder

Figurino e Adereços: Danilo Bracchi

Edição: Tarcísio

Direção de Arte: Danilo Bracchi

Fotografia: Suane Melo, Marcelo Rodrigues, André Mardock, Jorge Ramos e Ysmaille Oliveira

Trilha Sonora Original: Nando Lima

Poesia e Voz: Carmen Palheta do livro autoral Borboleta Azul e Outras Crônicas

Legenda Descritiva: Danielle Ramos


Agradecimento: Fundação Cultural do Pará – FCP Biblioteca Pública Arthur Vianna Socorro Bahia Jorge Ramos Paulo Marrat